Help us get the word out and use these resources when sharing things with your networks.
Please remember to link to our website and tag @TheOilMachine on Twitter and Facebook, and @theoilmachinefilm on Instagram so we can share and engage with your content.
Hashtag: #TheOilMachine
For your Facebook events, please send a request to The Oil Machine to be a co-host.
You can find customisable copy for social media posts below, and please feel free to edit these or write your own to help promote The Oil Machine and your event.
General Promotional text for your Facebook event, or emails and messages to groups
How can we break our addition to oil? Join us for a screening of the new film The Oil Machine on [insert date/time] in [insert your venue/location] for an inspiring screening and conversation on our energy future.
The Oil Machine explores our economic, historical and emotional entanglement with fossil fuels by looking at the conflicting imperatives around North Sea oil & gas. This invisible machine at the core of our economy and society now faces an uncertain future as activists and investors demand change. Is this the end of oil?
The film brings together a wide range of voices from oil company executives, economists, young activists, oil workers, pension fund managers, and considers how this machine can be tamed, dismantled or repurposed.
[Where to find details / ticket link]
Sample Tweets
Join us for a screening of @TheOilMachine on [insert date/time] in [insert your venue/location] and see how the future of the North Sea is crucial to us all.
Are you concerned about energy bills, the cost of living, and our climate? Don’t miss our screening of new film @TheOilMachine on [insert date/time] in [insert your venue/location].
See @TheOilMachine at our screening on [insert date/time] in [insert your venue/location] and join in the discussion on how we can break our addiction to oil.
Sample Facebook/Instagram Post
Are you concerned about recent upheavals in energy security, the cost of living, and our climate? #TheOilMachine is a new documentary film that looks at how the drama of global climate action is playing out in the fight over North Sea oil. Join us for a screening of this compelling new film on [insert date/time] in [insert your venue/location]. Come and discuss why the end of oil is crucial to all of us and discuss how we can build a resilient future.
[Where to find details / ticket link]
Right-click these, then select 'Save image as...' so you have them in full resolution.
Horizontal format:
Vertical format:
Square for Instagram:
Right-click these, then select 'Save image as...' so you have them in full resolution.
Here's a background with our logo for adding your event announcement.
And a portrait version of it for the Stories format on Facebook and Instagram:
A banner image for Facebook events etc:
If you can go that extra length, the fonts we're using are Oswald for headlines and Roboto for all other text. You can download them for free from Google Fonts.
Here are some stills from the film to use in your promotion. Drop us a line if you need something more specific, like one of the key contributors in the film.
Right-click these, then select 'Save image as...' so you have them in full resolution.
Download our Press Release template to send to your local media before your event to ensure that as many people as possible in your community hear about it.
This slide is meant to be used as projected background image on the cinema screen for your discussions AFTER THE OIL MACHINE:
Right-click this, then select 'Save image as...' so you have it in full resolution.
Kick-start the conversation after your screening.
Steps for making a difference as suggested by the contributors in the film.
A lot has happened since the film was released, with recent upheavals in energy security, the cost of living, and our climate. We've been going back to the film's contributors to ask them how recent global events have shaped the ongoing debate about oil.
play_circle Playlist of catch-up interviews
Here are the details of your Single Screening Licence, which is offered at no cost if this is event is free to the public. Please contact us to confirm the licence before you advertise your event.
Screening Licence Terms & Conditions
For additional information and support in getting the word out about your film screening, please email [email protected] or call 0131 460 1600.