Young Activists
Holly Gillibrand
- Holly Gillibrand (born 2005) is a Scottish environmental activist. She was named 2019 Glasgow Times Young Scotswoman of the Year. She was also named one of 30 inspiring women on the BBC's Woman's Hour Power List 2020.
- Holly has participated in the global School Strike movement since the age of 13. Like many young people she also struggles with eco-anxiety, which she describes as "being constantly worried about whether or not you're going to have a future."
- She feels "angry and also a bit helpless" when confronted with the scale of the oil machine, but concludes: "I don’t think giving up is really an option, and even though these are massive companies that have so much more power than you."
Mikaela Loach
- Mikaela is a medical student and climate justice activist based in Edinburgh. Her book It's Not That Radical: Climate Action to Transform Our World is available in bookstores this April.
- "I’m taking the UK Government to court. Since signing the Paris agreement in 2016, the UK Government has given 3.2 billion pounds of public money to North Sea oil and gas companies in subsidies."
- Mikaela wants more people to take-up collective action against the oil machine before it’s too late: "The only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning every day is, is this completely audacious idea that we can create this better world — that we can change things."
Also featuring
- Rachael Alexander, school striker in Glasgow
- Rabi Jha and Dylan Hamilton, school strikers in Edinburgh
- Toby Stewart and Josh Leon in Ullapool
- Sylva, Indira and Éowyn in Lochgilphead