
James Marriott
- James is a writer, activist and co-author of Crude Britannia. He is an executive producer of the film The Oil Machine.
- "Effectively, we're living inside an oil machine. Oil has shaped our life for decades and also our thinking and feeling."

Tessa Khan
- Tessa Khan is a UK-based environmental lawyer, co-founder and co-director of the Climate Litigation Network, which supports legal cases related to climate change mitigation and climate justice.
- She is also founder and director of Uplift which supports the climate movement to "strategically resource, connect, and elevate ideas and voices to set in motion a just transition away from fossil fuel production."
- "There’s actually a huge opportunity here for the UK to be a leader in the development and deployment of renewables in creating clean jobs. So it’s a very exciting time to be working on the issue but I think it’s also deadly serious that we get this right and that we get it right now."

Ann Pettifor
- Ann Pettifor is a political economist, author and public speaker. Her latest book, The Case for the Green New Deal, was published by Verso in 2019.
- Ann predicted the financial crash of 2008 and links challenges created by the oil machine to those within unstable and deregulated financial systems.
- "We have a system where the financial system switches its taps on, fuels consumption which in turn fuels production which in turn fuels emissions [...] we are not going to be able to manage consumption and production and emissions."